Group Exhibition
Welcome to Tomo! Let's Play Paradise
TOMONOTSU MUSEUM (Hiroshima, Japan)
|鞆の津ミュージアム (広島)

◎日時:2013年9月15日(日) ①11:00- ②14:00-
◎参加費:500円 ◎各回10名
◎内容: 2000年後をテーマに制作を続ける出展作家の柴川敏之さんと、41世紀の世界にタイムスリップしての発掘体験。『2000年後のお茶会』を楽しもう!

A small coastal town "Tomonoura" in the south of Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture. The natural mixture of buildings from the Edo, Meiji, Taisho, and Showa eras creates a sense of calm pauses that are different from towns that were artificially created by regulations such as the Landscape Preservation Ordinance. Another attraction of this town, known as a tourist destination, lies in the daily lives of the people who live behind the "sightseeing", such as the sight of old women selling fish on the street, and the "Okan Art" which continues to be mass-produced every day without being noticed.
We rarely stare at our daily lives, but once we stop and look around, we find that there are secret but creative activities lurking here and there.
Creativity is extremely important for us to live more freely and renew the framework of the world, such as the common sense that governs our way of thinking and acting and establishes our "life.". So in this exhibition, regardless of whether it can be regarded as a "Art" work or not, we collect and display expressions that raise questions about the value system we use every day. We introduce a wide variety of expressions that have been created through the activities of various people, including "design drawing" by people with intellectual disabilities, handicrafts by amateur artists, and works by art artists that ask about daily life from a relativistic point of view.
If we regard "It is not in this world." as an ideal place that we have created imaginatively "Paradise", there will be no worldly conflict over value among the people, only happy coexistence.
In this exhibition, we are experimenting to create a place where different things can be accepted "It is not in this world." by combining expressions that embody diverse values.
By experiencing such a place, the values that should have been obvious will be shaken, and daily life will become a strange and surprising subject.
I hope that this exhibition will provide an opportunity for each individual to think about his or her own daily life by reexamining the natural daily life and familiar life scenes. (text: flyers)
◎日時:2013年8月17日(土)ー10月20日(日) 10:00~17:00
◎出品作家(全12名):山下 清、柴川敏之、根本 敬、他
photo by SHIBAKAWA Toshiyuki