photo by SHIBAKAWA Toshiyuki
Group Exhibition
|OKABE Masao & SHIBAKAWA Toshiyuki
Art Arch Hiroshima 2013 satellite project
アート・アーチ・ひろしま 2013 サテライト企画
Gallery Tengu Square (Hiroshima, Japan)

Under the question of "Where is our future heading?" the museum exhibits the works of 2 artists who try to "excavation" the future from the present through archaeological methods.
OKABE Masao (1942 -) has been trying to copy "trace of memory" onto paper by a technique called frottage. For example, by scraping off the platforms of the former Ujina Station, the trees that had been bombed, and the runways that had been constructed by the forced laborers, they are trying to show the problem of damage/damage created by the war. OKABE looks like an archaeologist, moving steadily toward the earth. In recent years, in addition to frottage works, works using the soil from the Great East Japan Earthquake are also produced. In 2007, he was an artist representing the Japanese pavilion at the 52 th Venice Biennale.
SHIBAKAWA Toshiyuki's "Modern society 2000 years from now" is based on the theme of (1966 -) and created his works assuming that the things around him were found 2000 years later as "fossil". Such themes are said to have been influenced by cities, such as the ruins of Pompeii and the ruins of Kusado-sengen-cho, Fukuyama, where only traces of past life were left by natural disasters. Shibakawa believes that by "fossil" 2000 years later, he will be able to reconsider his current position and better understand the meaning of living in this age.
Through the works of Shibakawa and OKABE on the theme of history, we create an opportunity for visitors to think about "Current" in which we are living once more and "future" in the future. (text: flyers)
◎日時:2013年9月26日(木)〜10月14日(月) 10:00〜18:00
岡部昌生(1942-)は、フロッタージュという手法によって、「記憶の痕跡」を紙の上に写し取る試みを続けている。たとえば、旧宇品駅のプラットホーム、被爆樹木、強制連行者によって作られた滑走路などを擦り取ることによって、戦争によって生み出された被害/加害の問題を示し出そうとしている。大地に向かい、ひたすら地道に手を動かす岡部の姿は、考古学者の様でもある。また近年では、フロッタージュ作品のほかに、東日本大震災の土などを用いた作品も制作している。 2007年、第52回ヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレの日本館代表展示作家。

Together with artist Toshiyuki Shibakawa, we discover the "Hiroshima" seen 2000 years from now in the 41 century. By rolling a roller which looks like a shovel, we will discover familiar things in modern times one after another. You can't wait to see what comes out! Anyone can participate freely. The finished work will be exhibited at 'Exhibition of Masao Okabe and Toshiyuki Shibakawa - Archaeology of the Future' in the gallery Tengu Square.
◎日時:2013年10月6日(日) 13:00~15:00の随時
◎場所:広島県立美術館 1階エントランスホール
◎対象:幼児~一般 ◎参加費:無料
◎問い合せ先:広島県立美術館(山下) Tel:082-221-6246
◎内容:アーティストの柴川敏之さんと一緒に、2000年後の41世紀から見た「ひろしま」を発掘しましょう。スコップに見立てたローラーを転がして、次々と現代の身近な物を発掘していきます。何が出てくるかは来てからのお楽しみ! どなたでも自由に参加してください。できあがった作品は、ギャラリーてんぐスクエアでの『岡部昌生・柴川敏之展〜未来の考古学』に展示予定。