Group Exhibition
Kazuo Okazaki x Toshiyuki Shibakawa |Future fossils and the future of fossils
Kurashiki City Art Museum (Okayama, Japan)
|倉敷市立美術館 (岡山)

Photo by IKEDA Masahiro
The exhibition will be held under the theme of "future" in the museum corner of the "OKAZAKI Kazuro × SHIBAKAWA Toshiyuki | The future of fossils and fossils in the future" exhibition, supported by the G7 Kurashiki Education Ministers' Meeting and Art Museum Renaissance Project "Discovered past, present and future". In this exhibition, the works of artists OKAZAKI Kazuro and SHIBAKAWA Toshiyuki will be exhibited in collaboration.
OKAZAKI Kazuro (1930 ~) conceived a concept of "Gyobutsubu (Fish meat, cut into chunks)" which became the production philosophy after exhibiting at the Yomiuri Endeavor in the 1960's. By inverting and transforming the shape of everyday objects, we created an object that complements something that had previously been overlooked, presenting a new perspective on objects and space.
SHIBAKAWA Toshiyuki "Modern society 2000 years from now" is inspired by the Pompei ruins in Italy and the Kusado-sengencho ruins in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, which disappeared after a volcanic eruption 2000 years ago, and continues his production activities on the theme of (1966 ~). SHIBAKAWA's production method uses everyday objects as canvases and uses painting techniques to create works inspired by "Fossils 2000 years later (unearthed articles)".
As you can see, the two of us continue to work with a completely different approach while using everyday objects as motifs. In "HISASHI" OKAZAKI tried to imply a whole having both man and nature. Production vectors are always future-oriented. From a futuristic perspective, Shibakawa looks at the fossilized modern "Mono" and questions the way modern society should be.
We hope that you will enjoy the depth and breadth of the originality and expression of the "future" that each of the 2 artists expresses by collaborating on the theme of "Future of fossils and fossils in the future". (text: flyers)
◎日時:2016年4月29日(金)ー6月19日(日) 9:00ー17:15
◎入館料:一般210円 高校・大学生100円 小中学生50円
岡崎和郎(1930〜)は、1960年代に読売アンデパンダン展の出品を経て、制作理念となる概念 「御物補遺(ぎょぶつほい)」を構想。日常の物の形を反転させたり変形させたりして、従来見落とされてきた何物かを補足するようなオブジェを制作し、物と空間に対する新しい見方を示しました。

◎日時:第1回:2016年5月1日 (日) 13:00ー16:00
第2回:2016年 6 月 12 日 (日) 13:00ー16:00 ※6月4 日(土)より受付開始。
◎会場:倉敷市立美術館 3 階第2会議室
◎対象 :小・中学生(小学 3 年生以下は保護者同伴)
◎講師:柴川敏之 ( 美術家・就実短期大学教授 )
◎定員:各20名(先着) ◎参加料:無料
◎申込:電話受付 倉敷市立美術館まで 086-425-6034
◎内容:2000年後の未来を想像しながら、身のまわりにあるモノ (おもちゃ、文房具など) を化石にしてみましょう! どんな作品になるかはできてからのお楽しみ! 完成作品は、会期中に美術館で展示します。(text:チラシ)