Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum&Shukkei-en Collaboration Project
(Daimyo Garden + Art Museum)
✕ Contemporary Art
= Garden of Memory
Around with Ryohei Kan and Toshiyuki Shibakawa.
(大名庭園+美術館)✕ 現代アート
Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum, Shukkeien Garden (Hiroshima, Japan)
|広島県立美術館、縮景園 (広島)

The Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum and the adjacent Shukkei-en Garden are two very different places to appreciate art, one being an art museum and the other being a lord's garden.
Ryohei Kan will connect the museum and the Shukkei-en Garden by juxtaposing his new work on the theme of the Kankokan, the first private museum in Japan established in the garden before World War II, and Noh implements stored in the garden's storehouse, which were not destroyed by fire during the atomic bombing, with art works from the modern era.
Toshiyuki Shibakawa invites visitors to "Shukkei-en 2000 years from now" by transforming everyday objects into fossils (excavated artifacts), bringing future landmarks to life today. He will also collaborate with Salvador Dali's "Dream of Venus," one of the museum's most famous works, to present a new perspective on the museum's collection in the "Magical Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum" exhibition.
This exhibition aims to connect the museum and the garden, past, present, and future, through contemporary art. This summer, visitors are invited to enjoy a new and unprecedented viewing experience by touring the museum and Shukkeien Garden, a circular garden centered around a pond and fountain.
・縮景園:9:00~18:00 ※入場は閉館30分前まで
◎入館料:〔美術館・縮景園共通券]一般610円 大学生350円
photo by HAYASHI Yuki, SHIBAKAWA Toshiyuki

Solo Exhibition
Shukkeien Garden of the 41st Century
Shukkeien Garden|縮景園
The Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum and the adjacent Shukkei-en Garden are two very different places to appreciate art, one being an art museum and the other being a lord's garden.
Ryohei Suga will connect the museum and the Shukkei-en Garden by juxtaposing his new work on the theme of the Kankokan, the first private museum in Japan established in the garden before World War II, and Noh implements stored in the garden's storehouse, which were not destroyed by fire during the atomic bombing, with art works from the modern era.
Toshiyuki Shibakawa invites visitors to "Shukkei-en 2000 years later" by transforming everyday objects into fossils (excavated artifacts), bringing future landmarks to life today. He will also collaborate with Salvador Dali's "Dream of Venus," one of the museum's most famous works, to present a new perspective on the museum's collection in the "Magical Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum" exhibition.
This exhibition aims to connect the museum and the garden, past, present, and future, through contemporary art. This summer, we hope you will enjoy a new and unprecedented experience by touring the museum together with Shukkeien Garden, a circular garden centered around a pond and fountain.
◎日時:2023年7月6日(木)—9月10日(日) 9:00~17:00(金曜日は20:00まで)

Collaboration Exhibition
Museum of the 41st Century
Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum (Hiroshima, Japan)
In the "Magical Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum" exhibition, Salvador Dali's "Dream of Venus," one of the museum's most famous works, and Shibakawa's fossilized melted clocks and giraffes, which serve as motifs for the work, will be placed side by side in a collaborative exhibition.
In the latter half of the exhibition room, works in monochrome (René Magritte, Man Ray, Max Ernst, Henry Moore, Isamu Noguchi, Julio Gonzlez) will be displayed in collaboration with Shibakawa's works.
◎日時:2023年7月6日(木)—9月10日(日) 9:00~17:00(金曜日は20:00まで)
*所蔵作品展 サマーミュージアム 魔法の広島県立美術館
2023年7月6日(木) ~ 2023年9月10日(日)
*美術館3階特別展 魔法の美術館
2023年7月22日(土) ~ 2023年9月24日(日)

2000年後へタイムスリップ! “いま″のモノを化石にしよう!
Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum|広島県立美術館
◎日時:2023年8月10日(木) 13:00~16:00
◎場所:広島県立美術館 地階講堂
◎内容:2000年後の未来を想像しながら、身のまわりにあるモノ (おもちゃ、文房具など) を化石にしてみましょう! どんな作品になるかはできてからのお楽しみ!

Related|Artist Talk
Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum|広島県立美術館
◎会場:広島県立美術館 2階展示室+縮景園(受付:展示室入口)