Workshop|Stage Design|Workshop Exhibition
Minan Certified Center for Early Childhood Education and Care|

photo by Minan Certified Center for Early Childhood Education and Care
Shibakawa disguised himself as a doctor (archaeologist) who came from 2000 years in the future and excavated the "Garden of the Southern Children's Garden 2000 years in the future" together with the children (older children). The roller is used as the shovel of the future, and the white canvas is used as the soil of the future. When you roll the roller, the musical instruments and toys used in the garden appear as black and white fossils (about 100 m)! After seeing the completed work with everyone, I took off the canvas and showed him something like this buried underneath. "Yes ~ there is ○ ○!" "It was △ △ after all!!" he exclaimed with surprise and joy! Below the canvas, three images of familiar objects (1: A map of the area around the park, 2: The events of the past year, 3: Today's music flow) are layered. Finally, I said, "Is the Earth 2000 years from now a fossil planet? Blue Earth? It depends on the generation of us and our children living today. We'd like to think what we should do together so that we don't become a fossil world." The works completed in the workshop will be exhibited as stage art at the Onan Children's Music Festival. (According to the letters)
◎日時:2020年11月9日(月) 9:30~12:30、13:15~15:15
◎内容:柴川が、2000年後の未来からやって来た博士(考古学者)に扮して、「2000年後の御南こども園の園庭」を子どもたち(年長)といっしょに発掘しました。ローラーを未来のスコップに、白い帆布を未来の土 に見立てています。ローラを転がすと、園で使っている楽器やおもちゃなどが白黒の化石となって出現(約100m)! 完成した作品を皆で鑑賞した後、帆布をはずし、“下にはこんなものが埋まっていたよ”と見せると、「えぇ~○○もあった!」「やっぱり△△だった!!」と驚きと喜びの声が! 帆布の下は、身近なモノを3つのイメージ( 1:園周辺の地図、2:この1年間の出来事、3:今日の音楽の流れ)を重ねて並べています。最後に「2000年後の未来の地球は、化石の地球か? 青い地球か? それは今を生きる私たちや子どもたちの世代にかかっています。化石の世界にならないよう、みんなでどうすべきか考えていきたいですね。」 と伝えました。ワークショップで完成した作品 は、舞台美術として「御南こども音楽祭」で展示します。(園便りより)|園便り|報告|

Under the direction of the Shibakawa River, about 90 children created a 100 meter work in the workshop. Teachers from both gardens printed letters arranged with couplers on rollers, and the work was exhibited in 3 locations (outdoor stages, climbing and entrance swings) in the venue rich in nature. It became a lively collaboration work with children's singing voices in nature.
◎日時:2020年11月14日(土) 10:00〜15:30